How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Our World Our Jobs and Our Lives

Report Posted On: 2020-11-26
With nearly a decade of experience in market research, Jonathan is a Senior Research Analyst and the trusted Head of our Agribusiness Consultancy. As an expert food security analyst, he spends most days studying and publishing insightful analyses on the potential of Agriculture to spearhead economic transformation in Africa and make the continent food secure. His passion is how agribusiness can drive value addition, create employment and wealth in Africa, and ultimately make the continent a key world food producer and exporter.
The worlds robot population is increasing rapidly and expected to reach over 1.3 million by the end of 2018. Most people think Artificial Intelligence (AI) applies only to robots but this is just a general term used to describe advanced computer applications. AI ranges from self-driving cars, Google AI, medical startups in precision medicine like Innoplexus that helps researchers to find cures for complex diseases, to improving supply chain efficiency. Day by day, robots are being empowered with ever sophisticated AI that makes them more like humans. Sophia made history by becoming the first robot to be granted citizenship.
But what happens when machines get smarter than humans? Well, Bill Gates, Steven Hawking and Elon Musk have joined the ranks of wary people, who believe that using AI can be highly dangerous and it should be regulated to avoid malicious use that may even cause World War 3.
In this article, I will look at how AI has impacted our world and lifestyle so far, and what more it can do to change the way we live or work for better or worse.
The worlds robot population is increasing rapidly and expected to reach over 1.3 million by the end of 2018. Most people think Artificial Intelligence (AI) applies only to robots but this is just a general term used to describe advanced computer applications. AI ranges from self-driving cars, Google AI, medical startups in precision medicine like Innoplexus that helps researchers to find cures for complex diseases, to improving supply chain efficiency. Day by day, robots are being empowered with ever sophisticated AI that makes them more like humans. Sophia made history by becoming the first robot to be granted citizenship.[1]
But what happens when machines get smarter than humans? Well, Bill Gates, Steven Hawking and Elon Musk have joined the ranks of wary people, who believe that using AI can be highly dangerous and it should be regulated to avoid malicious use that may even cause World War 3. [2]
In this article, I will look at how AI has impacted our world and lifestyle so far, and what more it can do to change the way we live or work for better or worse;
Incorporating AI in our everyday lives can improve work productivity and efficiency by minimizing repetitive tasks and improving on the quality of work output for businesses. AI is expected to improve work productivity by over 40% in 2035 by minimizing the quantity of tasks assigned to workers.[3]
Is AI the boogeyman? Well, many experts worry that AI will threaten many jobs such as lawyers, journalists, chefs, financial analysts, drivers, etc. Some experts say over 800million jobs may be lost to AI worldwide by 2030 according to research by Mckinsey Institute. [4]
In America, it is estimated that over 25,000 professional driver jobs could be lost every month to Artificial Intelligence empowered self-driving cars.[5] Car companies like Tesla and Uber have heavily invested in developing autonomous cars. Uber invested $1bn to secure 24,000 cars from Volvo including the popular XC90 and luxury SUV’s to be supplied between 2019 and 2021. The ride-hailing company intends to replace its drivers with autonomous cars, after months of campaigning to improve working relations with its drivers.[6]
But isn’t sooner better than later? Well, Elon mask believes that Tesla will double its consumer autonomous cars by the end of 2018.[7] Many other automobile companies including Volkswagen, Ford, General motors are also developing autonomous cars that will eventually replace drivers.
BUT…on the other hand, AI has impacted some jobs positively. In healthcare, Artificial Intelligence is the driving force in precision medicine, normally termed as medical personalization where disease treatment and prevention approach considers individual variability in genes, environment and a person’s lifestyle. For example, Ayasdi software uses AI algorithms like deep learning to help doctors quickly and accurately diagnose diseases and recommend the most suitable treatment. Precision medicine can be used to diagnose and prevent genetic diseases, cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as gather population health data.[8]
Artificial Intelligence is changing our world no doubt and is expected to add at least $15 trillion to the global economy by 2030, which by all means will potentially improve living standards of millions.[9] This kind of money is the same thing as adding 13 new Australias’ to today’s world economy! I expect people to be paid more and work less as most of the work will be done using artificial intelligence.
In addition, AI is changing our world by solving climate change. Compared to humans, machines can access, store and analyze large quantities of data generated daily from sensors, gauges and monitors to automatically get weather patterns that can help climate researchers and innovators develop solutions on how to reduce air pollution.[10]
For example, through the Green Horizon Project from IBM that analyzes environmental data, using information provided by Machine Learning algorithms enabled Google to reduce the amount of energy used at its data centers by 15%, thus reducing its carbon print. Other companies can adopt similar systems to reduce climate change.
Imagine most of your workload being done by AI, what would you do with all the free time? Well, AI is meant to change the way we live and enhance our lifestyles. Tasks such as answering repetitive emails, mundane data entry, will all be automatically done by your virtual assistant, which will save you a lot of time.
In addition, the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), one of the most anticipated technological advancement that uses AI, is already changing our lives even today. Global investment in IoT development is expected to exceed $1.4 trillion by 2021. [11]
Ubiquitous use IoT technology will facilitate development of smart homes, an AI empowered technology that will change the way we live. All electronic devices in your house such as refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, smartphone will be connected via a wireless network.
Can you imagine your refrigerator ordering new milk supply for you once your milk runs low? Well, frankly, I’m already salivating at this prospect. Most electronic and home appliance companies today including Haier, LG or Whirlpool, have already developed or planning to develop complete smart home solutions. [12]
With Artificial Intelligence, smart homes will provide improved security and there is generally improved health since AI can enable better treatment schemes because it can quickly identify signs of diseases leading to early treatment.
Using Artificial Intelligence is likely to impact our world both positively as well as negatively, like most inventions anyway. But I believe AI benefits outweigh any cons. Its ubiquitous use will definitely improve the health and living standards of millions of people.
However, there are some worries too and they are warranted in my opinion. AI can store information vast quantities so its growth poses great risks to our privacy and security. Also, AI are just advanced computer systems that can be hacked to perform malicious activities. And of course, let’s not forget Skynet doomsday scenarios so much loved by Hollywood movies like Terminator!
On the bright side, tech companies have vowed to include inbuilt barriers and kill switch technologies to avoid such circumstances.
Let’s hope so!
[1] Griffin Andrew (2017) “Saudi Arabia grants citizenship to a robot for the first time ever” The Independent [Online] at
[2] Robinson Melia (2018) “Elon Musk thinks artificial intelligence is ultimately more dangerous than nuclear weapons” Business Insider [Online] at
[3] Bose Sayan (2018) “How Artificial Intelligence Can Increase Your Work Productivity” [Online] at
[4] Dormehl Luke (2018) “Replaced by robots: 8 jobs that could be hit hard by AI revolution” Digital Trends [Online] at
[5] Balakrishnan Anita (2017) “Self-driving cars could cost America’s professional drivers up to 250,000 jobs a month, Goldman Sachs says” CNBC [Online] at
[6] Hao Karen (2017) “Uber is buying $1 billion worth of self-driving cars from Volvo” Quartz [Online] at
[7] Wales Jimmy (2018) “Elon Musk will make driverless cars a reality sooner than you think” Wired [Online] at
[8] Mattick Stanley John (2018) “Four ways precision medicine is making a difference” The Conversation [Online] at
[9] Desjardins Jeff (2017) “AI will have an enormous impact on the future economy” Business Insider [Online] at
[10] Marr Bernard (2018) “The Amazing Ways We Can Use AI To Tackle Climate Change” Forbes [Online] at
[11] Gagliordi Natalie (2017) “IoT spending to surpass $800 billion in 2017, led by hardware: IDC” [Online] at
[12] Haier (2017) “Haier Unveils Complete Smart Home Solutions at CES” [Online] at