Brand research


Brand research is an essential aspect of every business, irrespective of the size or industry.

It helps you understand your brand’s health and how customers perceive it.

In today’s Market where brand perception plays a major role in purchase decisions, brand image can potentially destroy or build a company. This is because the brand itself does not own a brand’s perception, it is rather owned by the customer, based on how they see it. Brand research will enable you to create a strong, distinctive brand. It will enable your company to achieve competitive advantage through objective, insight-based ideas as well as recommendations on product/ service strategies. It will enable you to make well-informed and confident decisions around positioning, pricing, target market, distribution, and partnerships among others. 



What is brand research?

Brand research investigates the various aspects of a brand to enable it to gain insights that can help measure its brand value. It measures consumer perception of your brand which enables you to know your brand reputation and visibility in the marketplace. It helps you understand the strength of your brand compared to your competitors. In other words, you gain valuable insights into your brand health and what you can do to make it even stronger. By working hand in hand with our brand research specialists, you will gain insights that will help you strengthen your brand and its position in the market. 
As the market becomes more competitive and consumers more knowledgeable than ever, distinguishing yourself in the market has become more challenging. If you are looking to have a competitive edge over competitors, having a positive brand perception is vital. Today, brand perception is no longer dependent on product or service quality. Brand perception is now reliant on the perceived value to its customers and goes way beyond product/ service functionality. Our experts make sure that you get brand research based on sound data. 






Why is brand research important?

However good a brand is, it cannot control its narrative. Today, customer complaints and feedback cannot be dealt with privately, they are offered publicly for all potential customers to see. Brand effectiveness has shifted from a one-way marketing plan funneled by customers to one dependent on a brand’s interaction with potential customers. Communicating a positive social message and providing positive customer care have become vital to how customers perceive your brand. Our brand research experts will give you insights and data that will help you develop a strong brand value. A strong brand will attract more customers and a high ROI (return on equity). As long as you have a strong brand name, you can launch new products/ services on the market and they will have a competitive edge. Besides, today’s consumers are willing to pay more for a strong brand with a good reputation. 




How will you conduct brand research?

Depending on your needs, our brand research experts will use different methods including; online surveys, interviews and focus groups. Several factors including research goals, the age, and the size of the brand, determine the depth of your research; it can be incredibly in-depth or fairly straightforward. For instance, running in-person interviews will naturally require more effort than an online survey, but will gather a more in-depth view of how your brand is perceived by your customers.

Online surveys

Online surveys are one of the most popular and most straightforward way to collect data for brand research. Other than being fast and easy to use, they enable you to find out what customers think about your products/ services. Through online surveys, you get to know how your brand image resonates with your target audience. Using scales in the survey you get to understand the average score for your brand among different customer segments. This will help you to strategize accordingly. 


For brands seeking to gain a deeper understanding of consumer perception, personal interviews are the best option. By sampling a group of consumers and asking them to describe and share opinions on your products and services, you will find more insights than from online surveys. Although interviews may limit the number of respondents, they are a great way to explore different topics, concepts, and feelings.

Focus groups

With focus groups, you will gain qualitative insights into a brand in a similar way as personal interviews. Unlike in personal interviews, you ask a group of your consumers to join and participate in a forum where a mediator leads the discussions about your product/ service. When using a focus group you can have participants representing all genders, age groups, and interests. 

Concluding remarks

To get the best results from your brand research you have to do it on several occasions considering that trends, customer habits, needs, and desires are always changing. By constantly conducting brand research, you can react to these changes in real time and this will give you a competitive advantage in the highly competitive environment of today. Ultimately, the main goal of conducting brand research is to gain actionable insights that can positively shape and grow your brand value. With brand research, you will make decisions based on real insights and data instead of guesswork. Investing in brand research will enable you to strengthen your brand. If you want to know more about brand research and how your company can benefit from these insights, please do not hesitate to contact our brand research experts in Uganda. Let us work with you and help you maximize your sales by understanding your customers and what attracts them.